Tuesday, January 03, 2012

2012 Resolutions

I know. I disappeared for almost 10months because that is the age of my daughter now.

I'm back to set some NY resolutions~ Here goes~

1) To spend more time with Mabel playing, bonding or 'flash-carding'(which I think really works to stimulate her brains!)

2) To bring Mabel to my mum's place more often so that she can bond with my parents who only gets to see her once a week.

3) To pick up Yoga again and exercise at least once a week.

4) Bring Mabel for a swim once a month.

5) To have chill out sessions with friends once a week.

6) To go for movie/dinner dates with my hubby once a month.

7) To watch the 2012 Euro Cup as I have totally lost touch with BPL.

8) To have some savings in my bank account.

Ok, I hope I will be able to keep at least half of them~