Saturday, December 03, 2005
Well, most of our time were spent in the casino as usual. I did not gamble much this time as I did not bring enough money for it. But I felt lucky! Matt and me were randomly chatting on the way up to genting. I was telling him to bet the number '9' as its my lucky number.
Once we reached the hotel, put down our stuff. We had our lunch at KFC becoz the chicken there tastes much better than singapore's KFC! Yummy~
After lunch, we set off to the casino and wandered around. I was wandering around to a "big small" table. I had no malaysian ringgit with me and therefore I could only watch... And then, the number '9' appeared!! OMG!! i missed my chance of winning! crap... oh well.. no choice...
So i continued wandering around... wandered to the roulette tables. Matt was nearby and he joined me. Then he said "ay, bet 9 lah.. " I told him that theres 36 numbers.. "so very difficult one lah... " then bloody hell!! really number 9!!! crap x 2!! sickening... no choice again lor...
After wandering around for quite awhile, i sat down to play some jackpot and lost 40ringgit in 30mins.. sianz... duno whether shud feel lucky or unlucky...
Friday, December 02, 2005
*please go to for our ktv session.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Matt came over to pick me up for dinner with his family. We had ala-carte buffet at UOB plaza's 60th storey. Cant remember the name of the restaurant haha.. Dinner was alrite, guess I still prefer Noblehouse.
Reached home at around 10plus, both my cousins were home on my bed! My god, my bed has became their hangout spot. Anyway, waited for my sister to come back after midnight. Took the cranberry cake out and started singing birthday at the top of our voices eventhough my parents were already asleep... haha...
Monday, November 28, 2005
First was my cousin's, Ian 18th birthday. We held a small party on sat afternoon at my place, inviting some of his friends. My mummy cooked lotsa yummy food. We had curry, fried bee hoon, chicken wing, hotdogs, sotong balls, jellies, cake of cos! Some of his hyper relay friends came too and they all started calling me 'pigletz' becoz thats the nick I use to play the online game.. so embarassing... I wish they won't call me that on the streets...
Dinner was at marche HMV celebrating Peipei's birthday. We had pizza, crepe, rosti, caesar salad, sausage, and more! So filling! After marche, we proceed to coffee club for coffee. I ordered Iced Rambutan and it turned out to be PINK! why is rambutan pink?? Although I hated the colour, the drink was still good. After coffee, we walked around orchard but it started to drizzle. Then we realised that Glenn actually drove! Well, he should have said so earlier then we could have got out of orchard earlier. Went down to West Coast McCafe for another round of coffee and cheesecakes. Yummy and cheap too! Mc Cafe is the best!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Was off on saturday and therefore decided to catch the repeat telecast of 100% Entertainment at 2am. Went to sleep at 3am and woke up at 4pm!! Shiok man! Its been some time since I last slept till afternoon! haha..
woke up, chill out at home, watch tv, surf net till dinner time. Went to the HK cafe at east coast once again with matt, sis, shawn. Had a very filling dinner and went off to beach road as my sis need to submit the photocopies of our passports to the travel agency for the genting trip. Shawn mentioned about the famous riceballs and then it was dessert at the hawker centre. back home at 10plus, chill out, watch tv and surf net again... haiiz..bored
Woken up on sunday by my mum informing us that it was grandma's birthday and we will be having dinner at TPY central. Kerk dropped by to pick up my CPU back home to repair it. Its done already! it was just the power supply unit down.. chey.. okie, i will be getting it back tonite and i will have to really get my UK photos done up and developed!! haha...
dinner wasnt good and i guess my cousins didnt fill the stomachs. so off we went to chomp chomp for our second round haha.. ate the famous beancurd.. yummy~~~ its was great!!! i wanna eat it again!!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Damn sleepy today.. duno why also... was rotting at home the past weekend, reading harry potter, watching tv, playing online games.. watever... now can still be so tired... haiiz
Oh yah, we did someting really crazy on sat night... or shud i say sunday morning... My sis, cousins and I ate Mac breakfast at 4am!!! My god! Its insane, but its definitely fun and enjoyable. Me and my sis were reading harry potter.. but i kinda fell asleep at 3am.. shawn was already sleeping.. and Ian went down to buy our big breakfast and hotcakes meal at 4am! In case you are wondering... the mac below my flat opens 24hrs and they start serving breakfast at 4am. So the 4 of us were eating breakfast damn quickly cos we all were damn tired already!
After breakfast, we went straight to bed and we had to torture ourselves by listening to shawn singing all the ktv tunes... ARGH!!! But after awhile.. silence....
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I'm guessing it to be around $900 becos this is a 3G phone with 470mb memory for songs and it can be expanded to 2GB. KOOL!
The current W800i and W550i are selling at $668 & $538 respectively. I do hope the phone will be out soonz and I will wait till Mar 2006 before buying it cos thats when my $500 voucher will expire. So I will hope for the price to drop further by then..
pray hard for me....
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Had dinner at pasta mania, the food was not that good but luckily the company was great! I totally enjoy meeting up with smarkys for the stress relieving and gossip sessions.
After dinner, went to This Fashion to shop around. Well, i was not shopping cos i dun really have the mood to do it haa... so in the end i was loitering around the place encouraging them to buy clothes instead hahahaahaha
After that, i left to meet up with doug, mic, stan & co for ktv session once again!
Oh yah, I have started another blog ( dedicated for my ktv sessions hahaa.. i tink im going mad very soonz, going to ktv so often nowadays....
But there will be pause for 3 weeks, as doug had gone to japan for training and will only be back end nov... duno whether i can survive anot!!! haha
Monday, October 31, 2005
It's becoming a routine to go ktv at cuppage and take up 3 out of 5 tables at the hall. We have been going so often till the people there already recognises us!!! This is crazy man! But its fun!
I'll be doing it soonz again, i hope!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Edmund has lotsa friends! Almost everyone in the pub came for his birthday.. cool! There were at least 30 of them man! So in the end, the group of us settled down at a table and drank out night away without the birthday boy (he was already high before 12am!) haha.. Its been so long since I last went pubbing and drinking that much. Its fun to do this once in awhile. I miss this kinda feeling... The gang was fun to hang out with of course!
All of them will be heading to genting to watch the finals for Be a Star. I don't have any more leaves after my trip to UK. They keep asking me to go and I wanna go badly! I hope my manager allows me to go.. haha
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Its my birthday today and so doug, mic, veron, glenn, shawn, carol and of cos Matt went to dinner at noblehouse yesterday. The dinner is superb just like the last time.
After dinner, we went down to ktv at shenton way, the place where the competition was held. That means, I had been going down to the same place for 3 consecutive days! haha We wanted to book a medium room, but there was no room available and therefore we took the VIP room. As we thought the room will be huge, we called stanley and gang along. But the VIP was not that big after all. In the end, we had almost 16 person all in one ktv room. It was kinda crowded but it was still fun. Shawn started the ktv session with his favourite Aaron's song and the rest joined in the fun! But Shawn and Caroline left early as Shawn wanted to catch the england match.
We were singing at partyworld from 10pm, all the way up to 2am. We still haven't had enough fun and therefore we headed to cineleisure and continued our ktv session. Matt did not join us to cineleisure as he was not feeling too well.
So there were 9 of left who headed to cineleisure! I have broken my own record! I sang ktv for 7 hours! I really cannot believe it!!! Doug, stanley and gang were drinking and playing some stupid games while we watched and laughed.
Its been so long since I had that much fun. How I wished the day not to end....
Friday, October 07, 2005
Gabriel and Emerlyn both did not qualify too. Kinda sad, becoz all my friends didn't qualify. But still, they were all better than me becoz I did not even get through the auditions.. haiizz Gabriel sang pretty well, its a waste he did not qualify for the finals. He has this natural R&B voice which makes him very unique. He has got the looks and sang with much feelings.
Emerlyn has this really super ultra high voice. She sings stefanie's song plus 3 keys!!! God! She's really superb! But today, her song was disrupted half way as they played the song in the wrong key.
After the competition, we went supper at Mr Bean and chit chat for a while before heading home.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Doug and my sis were there to watch the competition too, together with some other friends who we got to know through Stanley. They also qualified for the semis will be competing tomorrow night together with Douglas.
Wish them luck!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
We went for dinner today at White Tangerine. Its a small little cafe located at Hougang. Their baked pasta is the best!! YUMMY! Well, as usual, some were late. I was the earliest this time! haha... aunt snail came after awhile and we went down to the cafe first. We played UNO while waiting for our orders. Its been so long since I last played the game, I almost forgot how to play it! haha
XT,MY and HY came down later. And we spent the night chit-chatting away as usual. I missed those time where we would hang out at the macdonald's so very often and gossip away. Those were the days....
Oh yah, I got an angpow from them too! Thanks smarkies! I will use the $$ to buy either a pair tennis shoes or a new bag as my current bag is getting old.. haha thanks XT for bringing the cake too! Even though I was already very full, I still insist on finishing it cos it was really delicious!
And lastly, thanks to them for the dinner, the cake, the angpow and of cos the company!
For those who were not able to come, its alrite. Thanks for the angpow still!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
I was supposed to go ktv with doug and gang, but it was cancelled last minute. So I ended up rotting at home again. But this time round, I have something to past my time... HYPER RELAY!! I'm terribly hooked to this online game. It's something like the old arcade game ' BISHI BASHI'. Just that, hyper relay is online and multi-player. I have been watching my cousin play this game and once I tried it, I couldn't stop!! So I played the game from noon till evening.
Matt came over around dinner time. I was too lazy to go out for dinner, so he ended up buying food from downstairs. Charlie's Angel was showing on tv. It's a nice show! If you haven't watch it, go grab the DVD!! Its definitely worthwhile!
But, he was very late. By the time he reached my place at around 8plus, I have already fallen asleep. He called me, told me he was downstairs, then I slowly made my way down.
We went to a hongkong cafe restaurant for dinner at east coast road with JB and XD. Its been so long since we last met up for dinner. All of us have been busy, I guess. Dinner was great! Maybe I was too hungry.. haha
After dinner, went back home and watched my favourite drama at the moment! I was half an hour late for the show. When I reached home, my mum was already watching it in my room. Guess she also got poisoned... haha
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Matt's been busy working recently. He hardly have enough time to sleep nowadays. He's been knocking off at 10pm and therefore he doesn't have time for me too. Haiiz.. I'm collecting dust almost everyday...
Three weeks already.. I'm slowly getting used to him not around. First week, I was still throwing tantrums at him for not accompanying me. Now, I don't even bother to call him and ask him to accompany me. I would rather stay at home and rot. This is bad... I'm becoming used to loneliness. Its like being single... cos my bf dun have time for me...
3 saturdays spent at home... boring life... tats me now... lonely and dull... nothing to talk about liao...
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Well, i just finished watching the first 2 episodes on ch 55. Now, I'm craving for the rest of them. I don't know whether I will be able to wait till next sat. I might even have the urge to buy the vcd.
Aunt snail.. thanz...
Friday, September 09, 2005
I'm F**king Angry!!
You guys can call me a sore loser or whatever, but I'm still going to blog this no matter wat...
Okie, I signed up for the Be A Star Competition and had my audition last nite. I sang Peggy Hsu's White Wedding which was the song that let me qualify for the Project Superstar's Top 100. Well, but this time round I had to sing with the mtv. Okie, in normal cases, we will not be asked to sing the whole song for auditions. So I only prepare half the song as I can't really hit the high notes at the end of the song.
I was happily singing the first half of the song and was expecting them to ring the bell. But they didnt!! So I had to carry on right through to the bridge of the song and try my best to hit the high notes. I did hit them but wasnt able to hold the one note that was long and high!! After finishing the song, the judge commented.
The guy commented that I chose the wrong song. He was saying that my voice and peggy's voice was very different. So I rebuked saying that 'then i will have my own style'. He nodded and said 'yah, right, but...' What the hell! Am I supposed to sound like the original singer?? Then make it a 'mo fang' singing competition lah! Or might as well listen to the original singer and forget about the whole competition!! If he have commented that I chose the wrong song becoz I couldn't hit the high notes, I would have agreed with him...
Next, he commented on my diction. He said that I didnt pronounced the words clearly. F**K! I have people praising me for my good diction when I sing, not once but many times! He should go dig his ears man! Its either he's deaf or he himself didn't have good diction and so he thought I pronounced them all wrongly! CRAP! He might as well give comments like.. "I think your nostrils are kinda too big.. sorry you dun qualify..." F**K!
CRAP lor.. give better comments and I don't think he's fit to be a judge...
Alrite, I'm done with my complaining.. and learnt my lesson of just preparing half a song for auditions... I duno whether I still wanna join any future competitions after this super bad experience...
No Ktv for the time being..
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Congratulations and Celebrations!!
There is 1 congratulation and 2 celebrations!!
Congratulations JB!!! Well, you know what I'm talking about rite?? Haha I'm so happy for you dude! Well done!! You know what? On that fateful 'do or die' day, we were all waiting anxiously for your good news! haha... When u smsed doug 'successful', we toasted for u! haha.. anyway.. Its too bad you 2 didnt get to sing the duet which you guys have put effort into but I do hope ur solo performance will be good enough to qualify for the next round okie? From now onwards, we shall not bother you too much as I know you will wanna spend more time with your new found romance rite? haha.. Take good care of her okie? She's a very nice girl..
Celebrations to Singapore and Aunt Snail!! Yeah HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!! I know I'm 2 days late.. but i will treat this whole month as Singapore's birthday! haha Coincidently it's Aunt Snail birthday (Happy birthday Aunt Snail!!) following our nation's birthday, so we met up for an early birthday celebration and went down to the carnival@marina with matt to watch the count-down concert and, of cos, the FIREWORKS!! (Well, actually JB & XD, my sis and doug with his family were also there but it was impossible to locate them due to the crowd.) The fireworks were so beautiful!! I wish it had gone on forever instead of just 15mins... After the fireworks display, we decided to head out of the crowd and in the end, we got into the going-home-crowd instead! So I gave doug a call and found out that he was enjoying the bowling alley's aircon. So we immediately went to the bowling alley to grab our share of air-con haha It was soooo cooling! Smarkys decided to leave first as they did not wanna miss the last train. So me and matt hanged around for a game of bowling with doug, his sis and bro-in-law. I played badly.. so I do not wanna elaborate that. After bowling, headed home and pigged out..
So 9th August, I woke up at around 2plus, surfed the net for this years NDP theme song, learnt it and headed down to padang. I reach padang at 4plus and began suntanning myself in the hot sun. At around 5pm, the hosts came out to warm up the audience by making us do the 'padang wave', shout, sing, dance even! It was fun! But I didnt enjoy this year's NDP as much as the previous time at the national stadium. Maybe the crowd this year is smaller and therefore the atmosphere's not as high as it was at the stadium. But overall, the NDP was still not bad.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Day 2 : Bath
So after taking brunch at his college and leaving out stuff at Abang's place, we set off to the train station to catch a train to Bath. We finally reached Bath at 4.30pm after the 2 hours train ride. We immediately headed to the backpacker's hostel to secure 2 beds for the nite.

It cost us 16pounds each to bunk with 2 other people. There were 2 double-decker beds.
So we took one of them and Shawn had to sleep on the upper deck becos there wasn't any ladder for me to climb up!
After exploring the hostel, we head off to explore the town. Bath is a very beautiful place with all the roman architectures. We wanted to explore the tourist attractions there but unfortunately they were all closed by the time we reached there. We took the city site-seeing bus and travelled round Bath.
We didn't have enuff time to hop on and off the bus as we were already on the very last bus. So we just took the bus back to the place we boarded the bus and decided to look for dinner.
We found a nice and cosy restaurant near our hostel "The Wife of Bath Restaurant". The food was yummy and the servers were really friendly. I felt like I was eating at home.. I realised that I already started to miss my mum's cooking.. After the dinner, we walk around the nearby streets but most of the shops were closing, so we decided to go back to the hostel for shower while waiting for the sun to set so that we could take some night shots.
By 8pm, we were already lying on our beds resting and reading up on the next destination. The sun finally set at around 10.30pm. We were already dozing off by then but we still dragged ourselves off our beds and headed out to take some night shots.
Bath is really beautiful at night with all the lights shining on the roman architectures. But it was really cold, I was almost shivering while taking the photos. We ended the day with 5 night shots after waiting for more than 2 hours for the sun to set. That's the very first time I had to stay up till 10.30pm before the sun sets. Interesting but tiring...
Monday, July 11, 2005
I'm back...
Yup, I was in London when the bombings happened. I wasn't on any bus or train at that point of time, so I was not affected. I'm still in one perfect piece. For all those who was concerned and smsed me, thanks! I'm alrite...
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Still about Day 1 : Dinner was great!
There was a downpour before we set off to dinner, its not supposed to rain in summer. Think I'm unlucky. The rain lasted for about an hour and we set off to dinner. Yesterday's dinner was good. We ate at cowherds, a traditional restaurant pub. The waitresses were pretty and friendly. We had a starter (tiger prawns in creamy white wine sause), mixed grille and 'hunters' chicken. We had to wait quite awhile for our main dishes though. Lucky, we weren't very hungry.
After dinner, we walked down to the city area and walked around the place. The place is kinda small and quiet. Actually, southampton is seldom have tourists, so while walking around, it looked weird when we started taking photos. haha
We will be moving out of his hostel today. So I will not have internet access internet access until I reach Poh's place on 2nd july.
DAY 1 : I'm in UK!!
Reach Heathrow at 1345hr which was 0645 london time. The queue at the passport control (custom) was soooo long!!! It took me almost an hour to get my passport 'chopped' before I went over to collect my baggage. Once out of the place, I looked out for Guojun, couldn't see him, called him and he was at the wrong terminal!! So I had to wait another half an hour for him to appear then we caught a 0945hr bus to southampton. The bus trip was almost 2 hours. Reached the city area of southampton and went to look for some food. Bumped into one of his friend Pam and her sis, went to Mark & Spencer's cafe, ate some sandwich and make our way to his hall montefiore.
His room is real small! Even smaller then my bedroom! Well, but I don't think he need a big room anyway. I will be bunking in with him from today till 30th June. I'm taking the bed and his settling with comforter on the floor. Poor Chap.. well, thats too bad.. u can't expect a lady to sleep on the floor...
Slept for about 3hours due to jet lag... now going to Cowherds for dinner...
Saturday, June 25, 2005
For more details, go to
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
6hours spent in the hair saloon...
*POH.. any free deal over at your side? Becoz I cannot colour my hair now, I can only do it 2 weeks later. I will be in UK at that time.. haha :P By the way, whats the name of the mag u wanted me to help u buy? I will be going down to TAKA this sunday so I will be able to get it for u.
Shawn have been disappearing from MSN recently. He seems to be really busy packing his stuff and hoping he is planning our trip. He told me that he needed me to buy some things over. I'm still waiting for his email. *SHAWN.. I only have less than 1 week left, so u better be quick!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Reached home at around 6.30pm. Popped 2 flu capsules and slept. The pills were great! I managed to sleep my flu away and only woke up at 1am for a toilet break and carried on sleeping again. My phone alarm rang at 7am, when I'm supposed to go to work. But I decided to take the day off and slept till 3pm.
Now, I'm sitting in front of the computer listening to Stefanie's song. I'm feeling very bored. There's nothing on tv and I'm really starving becoz I skipped dinner last nite and breakfast & lunch today. I can't find much things to eat!! Right now, I'm waiting for my dinner and hope its good.
I was supposed to meet my sis yesterday to buy my handphone coz my phoneline is under her name. Now, I'm still thinking whether I wanna go get it today. Wonder where is my sister now...
Going to give her call....
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I'm thinking of getting a new handphone. I'm interested in the samsung E800 but it seems to be a rather old model. I'm currently on the business plan so I'm given a M1 voucher of $500 every year to upgrade my phone. E800 is currently selling at around $400, so that means I will be wasting my voucher!
Well, the most important thing I look for in a handphone is its size and appearance. I don't really need lotsa functions but one with radio will be nice. Any recommendations? suggestions?
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Vote for Douglas!!
Please vote for Douglas Seah (佘绍坤)! He's really good and I think he has a very high chance of winning the competition or at least get into the top 3!! Please send STAR 2 (i/c no) to 96630883 to cast your votes. As one person is only entitled to one vote, so please spread this around and ask your friends and family to vote for him too. I bet he will not let us down!!!
If you happen to be free and have nowhere else to go on 23rd June 7.30pm, do make a trip down to witness his performance!
For more info, please go to
Thanks everyone!
Monday, June 13, 2005
Doug's in the finals!!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Assignment done!
I had to give up ktv session last nite with Douglas and my sis to finish up this report. Douglas has a singing competition this afternoon. Its organised by DongLi883 at SAFRA Mount Faber. Today is the semi-finals. Me and JB participated for the first rounds last sat too but didn't qualify for the semis. Its always Douglas who qualifies!!! Haha.. but he's really good so I have no complains.
I didn't perform well as my throat was giving me some problems so I knew I wouldn't qualify. JB chose the wrong song. He sang 'Tong Hua', yeah, its a nice song but the MTV had too much conversation in it, so it kinda covered his voice. So he didn't qualify too.
Wish him luck!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Still doing research...
I hope I will be able to find some time off from my workload tomorrow to do up the report so that I will be able to do some fine-tuning at night and email it over to my classmate for compilation. We will need to present our assignment next tuesday. Actually, thats my favourite part of assignments. I do like doing presentation and sometimes I do wonder why. Haha..
Maybe I really like the idea of being 'up on stage', just like the feeling of singing on stage during competitions. The very first time I had this kinda feeling was during a singing competition conducted by Chinatown Point and some music company. That was.. I think... at least 3 years ago. That was the very first time I actually took part in a major competition. I got through the audition and went into the first second round. The second round was conducted on the centre stage of the shopping mall. I was up there singing, infront of at least 2 hundred people (I hope I estimated correctly). I was shivering with fright when I sang the first few lines of the song, but after awhile, I got used to the atmosphere and really enjoyed myself on stage. Well, I didn't do well enough so I was kicked out. But I still enjoyed being able to perform in front of so many people and that was not a very often thing. I love these kinda rare experiences!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Assignment due soonz...
We have more or less came up with the figures using discounted cashflow, forecasting and also comparables in the nearby vicinity. The rest of the theory part are distributed among small groups of 2 or 3. Matthew and me are incharge of researching on the kind of expertise that are needed to run the upcoming IR.
He was here awhile ago, surfing the net for information together with me. It seems like there isn't much info on this topic. All we know now are some schools increasing their intake or coming up with new courses to train people on this field. Tomorrow I shall be using my work time to come up with a decent report on our research. We are supposed to show our parts to the lecturer tomorrow for his comments.
Yah, you must be asking why we are leaving till last minute. Well, its always like that.. haha becoz both of us are too lazy to start early. So, we always end up doing last-minute work. Sometimes, this can't be helped as we usually wouldn't have the time and energy to do these after work. Its just plain too tiring. Work have been really busy for the both of us. He starts work as early as 7.30am and end as late as 7pm. I am slightly better off as I start work at 9am but I usually leave the office at around 7pm too. Tuesday and thursday are lectures nights. So, we usually leave things till last-minute as we rather rest during non-lecture days and weekends.
Anyway, this will the last module for the first year. And we still haven't confirmed our next year's studies. So we just have to hang in there for another 2 more weeks...
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I hate tuesdays and thursdays
Well, something to be glad about.. This module have some calculations to it and that make lessons a wee bit more interesting. I used to like maths alot becoz I hate memorizing stuff like history. Seems like I also had better grades for maths during school times. I kinda miss maths lessons haha
Anyway, this will be the last module for my first year. I will be having my final paper on the 27th June. I am really looking forward to it becoz I will be heading to UK on that day too!!
Monday, June 06, 2005
Start of my new blog..
January 2005
I quit my job at SMM and took on a new job with a contractor company. My job scope is still roughly the same as what I did in SMM but this time round, hard work gets appreciated. So therefore I'm much happier at this company eventhough I am very much more busy at my current job. I like the feeling of being appreciated for the hardwork from my boss.
May 2005
I did something which took lots of guts. I took part in the Channel U Superstar and got into the top 100!!! Thats the greatest achievement I have ever had from singing competitions!!! I was really excited on the day wheh they had to choose 24 out of 100. But, I didn't do well for my performance. Guess it was becoz of the long wait(from 1pm to 5pm!!!) which made me lose my mood to sing. Well, It was still a great experience after all. I lost to some very good singers and I hope the good ones will go a long way in the competition. Most of the contestants are really experienced. Most of them have either gone through proper training from famous singing school likes Wei Song's, Music Clinic. Some of them have even won competitions or sang in 'ming ge chan ting's. Guess thats why I lost out to them. Well, I have no regrets joining this competition and I have learnt a great deal from it.
June 2005
I have booked my air tickets to London. I will be flying there on 27th June. I am so excited about the trip! I have planned this trip eversince Guojun went over there for his studies and that was 2 years ago! He's already graduating and I can't postpone the trip anymore! I'm so glad that this trip is finally coming true! I will be touching down on 28th June to meet up with Guojun and we both will head down to Glasgow to visit Poh Ling and family. I simply can't wait for the day to arrive!!!