Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Assignment due soonz...

The whole class of 11 people are supposed to team up and come up with an investment proposal for the upcoming IR land tender for the Marina site.

We have more or less came up with the figures using discounted cashflow, forecasting and also comparables in the nearby vicinity. The rest of the theory part are distributed among small groups of 2 or 3. Matthew and me are incharge of researching on the kind of expertise that are needed to run the upcoming IR.

He was here awhile ago, surfing the net for information together with me. It seems like there isn't much info on this topic. All we know now are some schools increasing their intake or coming up with new courses to train people on this field. Tomorrow I shall be using my work time to come up with a decent report on our research. We are supposed to show our parts to the lecturer tomorrow for his comments.

Yah, you must be asking why we are leaving till last minute. Well, its always like that.. haha becoz both of us are too lazy to start early. So, we always end up doing last-minute work. Sometimes, this can't be helped as we usually wouldn't have the time and energy to do these after work. Its just plain too tiring. Work have been really busy for the both of us. He starts work as early as 7.30am and end as late as 7pm. I am slightly better off as I start work at 9am but I usually leave the office at around 7pm too. Tuesday and thursday are lectures nights. So, we usually leave things till last-minute as we rather rest during non-lecture days and weekends.

Anyway, this will the last module for the first year. And we still haven't confirmed our next year's studies. So we just have to hang in there for another 2 more weeks...

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