Friday, June 10, 2005

Still doing research...

Haiiz.. This is what happens when you do last minute work. Look at the time now! I'm not even halfway through my assignment yet. Well, at least I have much more information today as compared to yesterday.

I hope I will be able to find some time off from my workload tomorrow to do up the report so that I will be able to do some fine-tuning at night and email it over to my classmate for compilation. We will need to present our assignment next tuesday. Actually, thats my favourite part of assignments. I do like doing presentation and sometimes I do wonder why. Haha..

Maybe I really like the idea of being 'up on stage', just like the feeling of singing on stage during competitions. The very first time I had this kinda feeling was during a singing competition conducted by Chinatown Point and some music company. That was.. I think... at least 3 years ago. That was the very first time I actually took part in a major competition. I got through the audition and went into the first second round. The second round was conducted on the centre stage of the shopping mall. I was up there singing, infront of at least 2 hundred people (I hope I estimated correctly). I was shivering with fright when I sang the first few lines of the song, but after awhile, I got used to the atmosphere and really enjoyed myself on stage. Well, I didn't do well enough so I was kicked out. But I still enjoyed being able to perform in front of so many people and that was not a very often thing. I love these kinda rare experiences!

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